The 2007 East Tennessee Regional Users Conference will be held in the Music Road Hotel and Convention Center on Tuesday, October 9, 2007. The annual one-day conference provides a great opportunity for geo-spatial information practitioners for all of East Tennessee to share ideas and best practices.
This year’s event is being hosted by the good folks of Sevierville and Sevier County, in one of Tennessee’s most scenic areas in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains. Last year’s event in Knoxville drew more than 200 attendees.
The event coordinators are soliciting for papers / presentations, so please submit any ideas you have to the City of Sevierville’s Agenda Coordinator Mr. Frank Colbert at fcolbert@seviervilletn.org, or (865) 453-5504.
Some example topic categories: Web Technologies, Utilities, Emergency Management, Local Government, Business Use, Education, GIS Modeling, Location Based Services, Base Map Acquisition / Maintenance, Data Sharing, Licensing, Organization, Integration with IT and Business Systems, Field / Mobile Solutions, etc.
So Register Now, by downloading the Registration Form and sending it to the Event’s Registration Coordinator, Miss Sandra Lamon at sandrarlamon@gmail.com.
About the TNGIC
The East Tennessee GIS Conference is supported by the Tennessee Geographic Information Council (TNGIC) and was created in response to TNGIC’s call to support geographic information sharing at the “regional” level.
TNGIC has divided the state into three major divisions: West, Middle and East. At each annual TNGIC Conference, a different breakout session is conducted for each of these three divisions as a way to encourage more “localized” sharing of information between users. The breakout sessions also help facilitate the planning and organizing of the annual Fall Regional conferences.
This East Tennessee GIS Conference website was created in response to TNGIC’s regional initiatives, and helps to serve as a communication portal for the Fall “regional” users conference event.
Previous East Tennessee Regional GIS Users Conferences have been held in the following venues:
2003 – Knoxville 2004 – Chattanooga 2005 – Johnson City 2006 – Knoxville MEMBERSHIP
If you wish to be a member of the East Tennessee GIS Conference, send an email to our membership coordinator, Linda Leonard or call her at (865) 463-6843 ext. 22. Provide your Name, Organization, email, address and website (if applicable), and we’ll add you to our Google Map of East Tennessee Users. Please let Linda know if you have special skills or wish to volunteer in any way to help make this East Tennessee GIS Conference of benefit. If you wish to be added to the web site’s announcement listserv, simply email our website manager at admin@easttngis.org.