I'm winding down the day with some of the more unique headlines. Microsoft is jumping into the portable music industry about 5 years too late, but they are ignoring previous failures by monoliths like Sony and taking Apple & its iPod headon. With 60 million + iPods on the market, Microsoft bets you'll throw it away and spend more on their product. I'm betting against it, but hey, that's me. Here's some more headlines:
- California could see blackouts
- Microsoft takes on Apple with Zune digital player
- AOL founder says he is 'sorry' for Time Warner merger
- China to test its 'artificial sun'
- Peace prize winner 'could kill' Bush
- Murdoch 'unlikely' to back Clinton in race for president
- Congressman jokes about cocaine on TV
- Fish from heavens rain on India's Manna
- Hanso Foundations (TV's Lost) Exposed!
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