- World Cup viewers may top 30 billion
- 1,280 lb Hammerhead Shark Caught & Pregnant
- France Rules Apple iPod's must share songs
- ESPN streams 2006 FIFA World Cup Online
- Cellphone talkers as bad as drunk drivers
- Woman auctions herself with her Ferrari
- Drive-thru pot smokers Busted at KFC!
- Drunk NBA player crashes SUV while watching porn and touching himself!
Friday, June 30, 2006
Daily Headlines
Watch the World Cup Online - Live US streams

Thursday, June 29, 2006
Watch NASA-TV Live and View the Space Shuttle in Orbit

UFO Lands in Hong Kong - Satellite Picture Proof!
Panama Canal Satellite Image
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Latest Design for Freedom Tower Released
Artist rendering
Tropical Stonehenge Found in the Amazon
Chichen Itzu Temples
World Cup Fans Drinking Germany Dry!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba US Military Base Satellite Image and pictures

Wow! That can't be good for the environment.
IKONOS Images of Ancient Observatories

- IKONOS Images of Ancient Observatories
- From Space Imagery, a provider of space and aerial remotely sensed images, comes a fun Flash map application which maps 13 of the world’s Ancient Observatories. From Abu Simbel (wiki link) in Egypt to Uxmal (wiki link) in Mexico, the Ancient Observatories map application displays a zoomable/pannable high resolution images of a particular observatory accompanied by a text description of the sites history and significance. The images can be downloaded and are linked to their metadata source.The logic of this application brings full circle some pretty interesting ideas about ancient and modern technology. Do you think we can learn more about ancient observatories from studying them from the celestial point of view. Perhaps my fascination is simply coming from the “Who’s watching the deceive” feeling of this application. Either way, it’s very cool and well worth a look
Satellite Image of Baghdad, Iraq
Vatican Satellite Image

A birds eye view of Vatican City, Italy. The identifier is Saint Peter's Square and Basilica which is the open, circular space in the middle, west half. At the center of that is an obelisk, which if you have read "The DiVinci Code" by Dan Brown too many times you will know it's link to conspiracy theories. The Vatican City is the smallest independent nation in the world at 108 acres big.
Heavy Metal jumps the Shark-Kiss opens a Coffeehouse!?

Monday, June 26, 2006
Giant Asteroid heads toward Earth.

Don't Worry Ladies-I'll Protect You!
The Asteroid, known by its stage name Asteroid 2004 XP14, is about 1/2 mile wide and will serve as fodder for astronomers for years to come as it swings past the moon's orbit at 268,624-miles (432,308 km), or just 1.1 times the Moon's average distance from Earth. Also, I have included an article by Dave & Thomas in reaction to a guy that wrote "10 Ways to Destroy Earth." Enjoy!
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Panoramic Toronto at Night

Friday, June 23, 2006
GIS Sites New Design.
For those of you that are regulars, You will have noticed a change in the format of GIS Sites. I have adopted a 3 column format over the regular 2. This allows for the links for the states to be put on the side instead of on the top and the links and stuff of that nature to still have their own column.
Also, all 12 stadiums are up for the 2006 FIFA WORLD CUP @ www.gispilot.com/blog.

Thursday, June 22, 2006
World Cup Stadium Satellite Images and Pictures.
Part 4 of 4 of the 2006 Germany FIFA World Cup Stadium Satellite images and pictures is up at www.gispilot.com/blog.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006
New Jersey GIS Update

Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Major League Baseball Blackout Map.

Burj Dubai - Tallest Skyscraper Webcam
Although it's still a year away from being completed, the Burj Dubai, the soon to be world's tallest skyscraper, is taking shape. They have an aggressive website that updates the buildings height as well as skyscraper news around the world, namely other buildings trying to claim the world's tallest title. A new outline of the building is highlighted in red with the building progess and a webcam updates pictures of the construction. 3-D renderings of the site plan and skyline are an added feature.
Also, a GIS site for Dubai is up but not operational yet. I have posted a link on www.gispilot.com under the "World Countries" section. The same message has been up for a month now and I do not know when it will be operational. However, the link is there for your other mapping needs on Dubai.
On the web:
Friday, June 16, 2006
Satellite images of Dubai & The Palm (Island of sand)
The Palm has updated their website to include new photos as their construction takes shape. The Palm can be summed up as a man made subdivision in the shape of a palm tree. The trick is that it's built in the Persian Gulf using sand.
Click for hi-res: you can see the dredgers at work building the island.
During the construction
Burj-al-arab Hotel
Click for hi-res - Burj-al-arab Hotel
Dubai's goal is to be the recreation site of the world. The World's largest skyscraper are being built here as well as the World's largest man-made islands, like the Palm. So far, popularity is so high that there are islands being built in the shape of the world as well as another, larger palm tree with leaves. (See Previous Post: Livin' in a Palm tree in Dubai!) The Burj-al-Arab hotel is considered the finest in the world, offering a private and spoiled stay in a hotel built in the Gulf. The hotel was built in 1999 and the design is modeled after a sail from a boat as it catches the wind. Rates start at about $1,000/night and it is considered the only 7-star hotel. Yes, it's so fancy they made more stars on the rating system to accommodate it. There are plans in Dubai for an underwater hotel, theme parks, and various other skyscrapers.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
World Cup Stadiums 3

Hurricane simulator.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006