GIS Sites
Sunday, January 04, 2009
A New Year....

Saturday, November 08, 2008
GIS Gives United States Postal Service a Crime-Fighting Edge
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
GIS Pilot Template Updates
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Is water becoming ‘the new oil’?

Public fountains are dry in Barcelona, Spain, a city so parched there’s a €9,000 ($13,000) fine if you’re caught watering your flowers. A tanker ship docked there this month carrying 5 million gallons of precious fresh water – and officials are scrambling to line up more such shipments to slake public thirst.
Barcelona is not alone. Cyprus will ferry water from Greece this summer. Australian cities are buying water from that nation’s farmers and building desalination plants. Thirsty China plans to divert Himalayan water. And 18 million southern Californians are bracing for their first water-rationing in years.
Water, Dow Chemical Chairman Andrew Liveris told the World Economic Forum in February, “is the oil of this century.” Developed nations have taken cheap, abundant fresh water largely for granted. Now global population growth, pollution, and climate change are shaping a new view of water as “blue gold.”
Monday, May 26, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Quietly, wind farms spread footprint in U.S

At 265 feet tall, four gleaming white wind turbines tower over the tiny farm town of Rock Port, Missouri, like a landing of alien intruders.
But despite their imposing presence and the stark contrast with the rolling pastures and corn fields, the turbines have received a warm welcome here.
As Eric Chamberlain, who manages the wind farm for Wind Capital Group, eats lunch in a local restaurant, local people greet him with a "Hey Windy!" and many say they are happy to be using clean electricity.
"It doesn't pollute the environment, it provides tax revenue, creates jobs. I don't see a downside," said Chamberlain, who is something of a celebrity in this town of 1,400 people.
While growth in ethanol use as an alternative fuel has had a big impact on rural America, wind power has also been growing steadily for the past three years, with wind farms like this one springing up all over the windy expanse of the Great Plains and beyond.
While only 1 percent of U.S. electricity comes from wind, it is attracting so much support these days that many in the industry believe it is poised for a growth spurt. (...continue)
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Fuel from Trash Will Power California Garbage Trucks

This facility at Waste Management’s Altamont Landfill in Livermore, California will begin operation in 2009. It comes with a price tag of $15.5 million, with grants providing $1.4 million.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Friday, May 02, 2008
Airlines slow down flights to save on fuel

Southwest Airlines started flying slower about two months ago, and projects it will save $42 million in fuel this year by extending each flight by one to three minutes.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Colossal Squid Revealed in First In-Depth Look

A colossal squid floats in a tank at a museum in New Zealand on April 30, giving scientists their first close look at the rare and elusive sea creature.
The giant was caught by a fishing boat off the coast of Antarctica in February 20007. At 26 feet (8 meters) long, it is believed to be the largest squid ever captured.
Experts froze the animal, a female, soon after its capture to preserve it for study.
Friday, April 18, 2008
New Plastic Bags Biodegrade in Four Months

As we pointed out in our article about the waste gyre in the Pacific Ocean, plastics will eventually photodegrade into microscopic bits, but those polymer molecules will forever be inorganic toxins. The Missouri S&T scientists are working to change that by focusing their attention on a biodegradable polyester. (...more)
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Food Riots and Waste
An apple a day gets thrown away. In fact, 4.4 million apples get thrown away in the UK every day, the majority of which are still perfectly edible. This is according to information released this week by the UK government funded Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP).
Between the farm gate and my plate, half of the food produced is wasted. Enough from the UK alone to meet half the import needs of the entire African continent. A while back Japan gave a big food donation to Africa including $3 million of food to Burundi. We throw away 40 times more than that in a year. According to the University of Michigan (PDF), it takes 7 times more energy to get food to the average American stomach than it gives you. How much fossil fuels does it cost to get all the other stuff we’re used to eating? (...more)
Friday, April 11, 2008
Space Debris Illustrated: The Problem in Pictures
Friday, April 04, 2008
Couple sues Google because their home is on Google Maps Street View

A Pittsburgh couple has sued Google because photos of their house are now on Google Maps Street View. They allege that ever since the photos have appeared on Street View, the value of their property has plummeted. Property records indicate that the domicile was purchased for a cool $163,000, which, I’m pretty sure, wouldn’t buy a garbage can in any livable city in this country.
They want some $25,000 in damages from The Google. (source)
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Monday, March 31, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Google Maps adds street view for 13 cities + 1 national park
- Albuquerque, NM
- Anchorage, AK
- Austin, TX
- Cleveland, OH
- Fairbanks, AK
- Little Rock, AR
- Madison, WI
- Nashville, TN
- Rockford, IL
- Richmond, VA
- Spokane, WA
- St. Petersburg, FL
- Tampa, FL
- and Yosemite National Park